I have never done a diet before. I have never actively tried to loose weight. I just did my thing. and it kept me at the same weight I had been at for years.
this is hard.
week one was a mess. I failed miserably with my meal planning. and I was miserable because of it. plus I had screwed up on some of the container counts, therefore I was not getting enough food. and I was SO sore after the first work out. my body was definitely not used to that much intense physical activity.
but. I was able to convince the boy to do this with me. I knew if I was to try this on my own I would fail. this way he can hold me accountable on my work outs. plus there won't be any unwanted treats in the house to tempt me.
I finished week one feeling like I had made no progress. my coach reminded me that the first week is tough because your body is going through a huge transition. plus I had put so much junk into my body for the last few months that I needed a detox. to get used to all of the nutrient rich food. and of course the work outs add a huge difference to my daily life. lately, I have been so busy that exercise rarely happened weekly, let alone monthly. it was bad.
I went into week two still holding some optimism. I revamped my meal planning, and the work outs didn't make me sore for the entire week. I am halfway done the first 21 days. I have a renewed outlook on what I need to do to attain my goal. I need to push myself everyday. in every workout.
I am still struggling with the food part. I never feel satisfied after a meal. it's either not appetizing, not filling or not well rounded. I have been trying out recipes I find online. healthy ones. 21 day fix specific ones. and it just isn't working. I need to get creative myself. take some staples that I know I love and make a few adjustments to them to make sure it falls into the guidelines of the 21 day fix.
every day I get that much closer to my goal. I want to have the body I know I can have. I want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I want to eat well, stay fit, and most of all, feel good.
do you have any tips that I could try? what works for you? what makes staying active and healthy easy for you? I'd love to connect!
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